General information about company

Name of The CompanyR Systems International Limited
BSE Scrip Code532735
MSE SymbolNA
Date of Start of Financial Year01-01-2024
Date of End of Financial Year31-12-2024
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-01-2024
Date of End of Reporting Period30-06-2024
Level of rounding to be used in disclosing related party transactionsMillions
Whether the company has any related party?Yes
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/publicNA
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.NA
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)?No
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.

Related party transactions

Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transactionDetails of the counterpartyType of related party transactionDetails of other related party transactionValue of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committeeRemarks on approval by audit committeeValue of transaction during the reporting periodIn case monies are due to either party as a result of the transactionIn case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsDetails of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investmentsNotes
NamePANNamePANRelationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiaryOpening balanceClosing balanceNature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)Details of other indebtednessCostTenureNature (loan/ advance/ intercorporate deposit/ investment )Interest Rate (%)TenureSecured/ unsecuredPurpose for which the funds will be utilised by the ultimate recipient of funds (endusage)
1R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes31.0100Textual Information(1)
2R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes165.1100Textual Information(2)
3R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes93.500Textual Information(3)
4R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes18.5300Textual Information(4)
5R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes2.0300Textual Information(5)
6R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris Europe SRL, RomaniaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes38.1300Textual Information(6)
7R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes2500Textual Information(7)
8R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BPT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, IndonesiaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes5.3700Textual Information(8)
9R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems IBIZCS SDN. BHD., MalaysiaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes1.9200Textual Information(9)
10R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BVelotio Technologies Private Limited, IndiaAAFCV4376AsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes8.6700Textual Information(10)
11R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BScaleworx Technologies Private Limited, IndiaABECS8524RsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesYes0.5400Textual Information(11)
12R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BVelotio Technologies Private Limited, IndiaAAFCV4376AsubsidiaryPurchase of goods or servicesYes29.7300Textual Information(12)
13R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryPurchase of goods or servicesYes62.8900Textual Information(13)
14R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryPurchase of goods or servicesYes5.1600Textual Information(14)
15R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryPurchase of goods or servicesYes1.7100Textual Information(15)
16R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BVelotio Technologies Private Limited, IndiaAAFCV4376AsubsidiaryAny other transactionPayment of Lease rentYes0.7100Textual Information(16)
17R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed paidYes2.4800Textual Information(17)
18R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed paidYes26.6300Textual Information(18)
19R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed paidYes0.4700Textual Information(19)
20R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BVelotio Technologies Private Limited, IndiaAAFCV4376AsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed paidYes0.3300Textual Information(20)
21R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedYes4.6300Textual Information(21)
22R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed received including ESOP costYes11.6700Textual Information(22)
23R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedYes0.8100Textual Information(23)
24R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed received including ESOP costYes5.7300Textual Information(24)
25R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedYes0.800Textual Information(25)
26R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedYes16.1900Textual Information(26)
27R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., RomaniaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed received including ESOP costYes10.6100Textual Information(27)
28R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BVelotio Technologies Private Limited, IndiaAAFCV4376AsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedYes5.0300Textual Information(28)
29R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, PolandZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed received including ESOP costYes1.3800Textual Information(29)
30R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement received for Purchase of assetsYes5.300Textual Information(30)
31R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionReimbursement Paid for Purchase of assetsYes0.1900Textual Information(31)
32R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionDividend receivedNA73.9900Textual Information(32)
33R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionDividend receivedNA177.700Textual Information(33)
34R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BBCP Asia II TOPCO II Pte. Ltd.AAKCB5176HHolding companyAny other transactionDividend PaidNA786.3400Textual Information(34)
35R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BNand SardanaABLPS2088QChief Financial OfficerAny other transactionDividend PaidNA2.5100Textual Information(35)
36R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BBhavook TripathiABBPT7159DPerson having shareholding of 20% or more, directly or indirectly (not specified above)Any other transactionDividend PaidNA458.7100Textual Information(36)
37R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BNitesh BansalAAOPB3752AManaging Director & Chief Executive OfficerRemunerationNA101.7600Textual Information(37)
38R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BNand SardanaABLPS2088QChief Financial OfficerRemunerationNA13.3200Textual Information(38)
39R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BBhasker DubeyBKUPD2115ACompany Secretary & Compliance OfficerRemunerationNA2.0800Textual Information(39)
40R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BKapil DhamejaAGNPD4930FNon-Executive Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting FeesNA0.1800Textual Information(40)
41R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BAditya WadhwaACAPW9160BNon-Executive Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting FeesNA0.1800Textual Information(41)
42R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRuchica GuptaAGTPG8710ENon-Executive Independent DirectorAny other transactionSitting FeesNA0.2100Textual Information(42)
43R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes013.969.78Textual Information(43)
44R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes023.9169.64Textual Information(44)
45R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes015.5711.37Textual Information(45)
46R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes010.242.31Textual Information(46)
47R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris Europe SRL, RomaniaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes013.1222.48Textual Information(47)
48R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes0-5.099.26Textual Information(48)
49R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BPT. RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, IndonesiaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes01.373.01Textual Information(49)
50R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes06.4-6.32Textual Information(50)
51R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems IBIZCS SDN. BHD., MalaysiaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes01.830.77Textual Information(51)
52R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BVelotio Technologies Private Limited, IndiaAAFCV4376AsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes0-2.64-2.04Textual Information(52)
53R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes01.650.47Textual Information(53)
54R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, PolandZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes001.38Textual Information(54)
55R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BScaleworx Technologies Private Limited, IndiaABECS8524RSubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes000.54Textual Information(55)
56R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BRSYS Technologies Limited, CanadaZZZZZ9999ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesyes0-0.93-1.12Textual Information(56)
57R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BNitesh BansalAAOPB3752AKey management personnel Any other transactionBalance payable NA0-30.15-25.64Textual Information(57)
58R Systems International Limited, IndiaAABCR9541BNand SardanaABLPS2088QChief Financial OfficerAny other transactionBalance payable NA0-2.62-2.5Textual Information(58)
59Scaleworx Technologies Private LimitedABECS8524RVelotio Technologies Private LimitedAAFCV4376AsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA37.464.711.97Textual Information(59)
60R Systems Technologies LimitedZZZZZ9999ZR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA177.2500Textual Information(60)
61R Systems Technologies LimitedZZZZZ9999ZR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA056.789.53Textual Information(61)
62R Systems Technologies LimitedZZZZZ9999ZR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA1.7100Textual Information(62)
63R Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Technologies LimitedZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA2.0600Textual Information(63)
64R Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., RomaniaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA98.5400Textual Information(64)
65R Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., RomaniaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA0.6300Textual Information(65)
66R Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., RomaniaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA012.7135.81Textual Information(66)
67RSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA47.6300Textual Information(67)
68RSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA1.7100Textual Information(68)
69RSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems, Inc., USAZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA032.4231.31Textual Information(69)
70RSYS Technologies Limited, Canada ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., RomaniaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA00.270Textual Information(70)
71R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (M) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA2.6900Textual Information(71)
72R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Thailand ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA2.3300Textual Information(72)
73R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA4.6100Textual Information(73)
74R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999Z R Systems Consulting Services (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA0.0100Textual Information(74)
75R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA0.0100Textual Information(75)
76R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (M) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionBusiness Support service (Management fee) chargedNA10.7300Textual Information(76)
77R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Thailand ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionBusiness Support service (Management fee) chargedNA8.3400Textual Information(77)
78R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999Z R Systems Consulting Services (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionBusiness Support service (Management fee) chargedNA1.7800Textual Information(78)
79R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionBusiness Support service (Management fee) chargedNA0.5400Textual Information(79)
80R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (M) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA10.6100Textual Information(80)
81R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Thailand ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA2.2900Textual Information(81)
82R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA0.1700Textual Information(82)
83R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999Z R Systems Consulting Services (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA1.6700Textual Information(83)
84R Systems Consulting Services Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA0.2300Textual Information(84)
85R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (M) Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA013.5416.57Textual Information(85)
86R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Thailand ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA092.8789.53Textual Information(86)
87R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA0124.15125.98Textual Information(87)
88R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999Z R Systems Consulting Services (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA01.440.3Textual Information(88)
89R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Consulting Services Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA048.349.65Textual Information(89)
90R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA36.1700Textual Information(90)
91R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionBusiness Support service (Management fee) chargedNA11.4900Textual Information(91)
92R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA6.1400Textual Information(92)
93R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed paidNA9.4100Textual Information(93)
94R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA09.3516.06Textual Information(94)
95R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA0.8900Textual Information(95)
96R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionPayment of Lease rentNA2.6300Textual Information(96)
97R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA0.1200Textual Information(97)
98R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA00.370.42Textual Information(98)
99R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA1.9700Textual Information(99)
100R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionPayment of Lease rentNA0.8600Textual Information(100)
101R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA00.192.18Textual Information(101)
102R Systems Consulting Services Limited, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZsubsidiaryAny other transactionPayment of Lease rentNA0.4600Textual Information(102)
103R Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZPT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, IndonesiaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA6.8100Textual Information(103)
104R Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZPT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, IndonesiaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA03.486.79Textual Information(104)
105R Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZPT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, IndonesiaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionDividend receivedNA0.100Textual Information(105)
106R Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionDividend receivedNA74.1400Textual Information(106)
107R Systems Computaris Philippines Pte. Ltd. Inc., PhillippinesZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA1.2900Textual Information(107)
108R Systems Computaris Philippines Pte. Ltd. Inc., PhillippinesZZZZZ9999ZR Systems (Singapore) Pte Ltd, SingaporeZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA00.660.21Textual Information(108)
109R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA5.6900Textual Information(109)
110R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA0-1.283.93Textual Information(110)
111R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZPT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, Indonesia ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA4.100Textual Information(111)
112R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZPT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, Indonesia ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA00.171.72Textual Information(112)
113R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZIBIZ Consulting Services Limited, Hong KongZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA4.2600Textual Information(113)
114R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZIBIZ Consulting Services Limited, Hong KongZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA032.2829.41Textual Information(114)
115R Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9999ZIBIZ Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, People‘s Republic of ChinaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA016.6616.02Textual Information(115)
116R Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA0.9300Textual Information(116)
117IBIZ Consulting Services Limited, Hong KongZZZZZ9999ZIBIZ Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, People‘s Republic of ChinaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA4.6600Textual Information(117)
118IBIZ Consulting Services Limited, Hong KongZZZZZ9999ZIBIZ Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, People‘s Republic of ChinaZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA030.3128.13Textual Information(118)
119IBIZ Consulting Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, People‘s Republic of ChinaZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA0.3800Textual Information(119)
120IBIZ Consulting (Thailand) Co. Ltd, ThailandZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Pte. Ltd., Singapore ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA040Textual Information(120)
121IBIZ Consulting (Thailand) Co. Ltd, ThailandZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA00.430Textual Information(121)
122PT RSYSTEMS IBIZCS International, Indonesia ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems IBIZCS Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA01.130Textual Information(122)
123R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA3.9700Textual Information(123)
124R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA0-3.635.37Textual Information(124)
125R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA18.7200Textual Information(125)
126R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA30.2700Textual Information(126)
127R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Philippines Pte. Ltd. Inc., Phillippines ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA8.9400Textual Information(127)
128R Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA25.7300Textual Information(128)
129R Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA90.8300Textual Information(129)
130R Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA1.1800Textual Information(130)
131R Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA87.3700Textual Information(131)
132R Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA6.6800Textual Information(132)
133R Systems Computaris Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA9.7500Textual Information(133)
134R Systems Computaris Suisse Sŕrl, Switzerland ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiarySale of goods or servicesNA2.4800Textual Information(134)
135R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA001.44Textual Information(135)
136R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Philippines Pte. Ltd. Inc., Phillippines ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA03.121.83Textual Information(136)
137R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Philippines Pte. Ltd. Inc., Phillippines ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA011.358.12Textual Information(137)
138R Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA06.414.23Textual Information(138)
139R Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA021.7219.49Textual Information(139)
140R Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA051.7323.98Textual Information(140)
141R Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA02.92.21Textual Information(141)
142R Systems Computaris Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA01.442.82Textual Information(142)
143R Systems Computaris Suisse Sŕrl, Switzerland ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTrade Receivable, Other receivable net of Trade and other payables / liabilitiesNA002.46Textual Information(143)
144R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryInterest receivedNA0.100Textual Information(144)
145R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryLoanNA020.30Loan0.03Open EndedUnsecured OperationalTextual Information(145)
146R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionDividend receivedNA18.8600Textual Information(146)
147R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionDividend receivedNA28.9100Textual Information(147)
148R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA1.1300Textual Information(148)
149R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA1.9900Textual Information(149)
150R Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA0.6500Textual Information(150)
151R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris S.R.L., Moldova ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA2.0100Textual Information(151)
152R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Poland sp z o.o, Poland ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA3.6700Textual Information(152)
153R Systems Computaris International Limited, UKZZZZZ9999ZR Systems Computaris Europe S.R.L., Romania ZZZZZ9998ZWholly owned subsidiaryAny other transactionTravel and other expenses reimbursed receivedNA9.300Textual Information(153)
Total value of transaction during the reporting period3137.28