Corporate governance

At R Systems, we believe that good corporate governance is the key to sustaining corporate growth and creating superior value for stakeholders. For us, good corporate governance means maintaining transparency, accountability, fairness, social responsiveness, professionalism, the complete disclosure of material facts and an independent Board. We endeavor to constantly comply with these aspects in letter and spirit, along with all other statutory compliances which are required under Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 etc.

Board of Directors

Composition of various Committees of Board of Directors  

Audit Committee

  1. Mrs. Ruchica Gupta (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Chairperson)
  2. Mr. Kapil Dhameja (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Member)
  3. Mr. Amit Dalmia (Non-Executive Director- Member)
  4. Mr. Aditya Wadhwa (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Member)

Nomination, Remuneration and Compensation Committee

  1. Mr. Kapil Dhameja (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Chairperson)
  2. Mrs. Ruchica Gupta (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Member)
  3. Mr. Mukesh Mehta (Non-Executive Director- Member)

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

  1. Mr. Amit Dalmia (Non-Executive Director- Chairperson)
  2. Mr. Kapil Dhameja (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Member)
  3. Mr. Animesh Agrawal (Non-Executive Director- Member)

Risk Management Committee

  1. Mr. Amit Dalmia (Non-Executive Director- Chairman)
  2. Mr. Kapil Dhameja (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Member)
  3. Mr. Animesh Agrawal (Non-Executive Director- Member)

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSR Committee)

  1. Mr. Amit Dalmia (Non-Executive Director- Chairman)
  2. Mr. Kapil Dhameja (Non-Executive & Independent Director- Member)
  3. Mr. Animesh Agrawal (Non-Executive Director- Member)

Agreements with Media Companies

Presently there is no such agreement entered into by R Systems International Limited.

Criteria of making payments to non-executive directors

Non-executive members of the Board are entitled for sitting fees for attending the meetings of the Board or committees thereof. The sitting fees have been fixed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable provisions of law. Non-executive directors are not entitled to any fixed or monthly salary or other remuneration.

Name History

R Systems International Limited was initially incorporated with the name of R Systems (India) Private Limited on May 14, 1993 under the Companies Act, 1956 with its registered office at B-104A, Greater Kailash - I, New Delhi - 110 048. Subsequently, the name was changed to R Systems(India) Limited on April 13, 2000. The name was further changed to R Systems International Limited on August 7, 2000. The Company is registered with the RoC, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Haryana.

Notice of Candidature for the Office of Directors

Schemes of Amalgmation/ Arrangement/ Capital Reduction

Delisting cum open offer by BCP Asia II TOPCO II Pte. Ltd.  


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